a. s., Număr de identificare al companiei 27082440, utilizează cookie-uri pentru a asigura funcționalitatea site-ului web și, cu acordul dumneavoastră, și pentru a personaliza conținutul site-ului nostru. Făcând clic pe butonul „Am înțeles”, sunteți de acord cu utilizarea cookie-urilor și transferul de date privind comportamentul pe site pentru afișarea de reclame direcționate pe rețelele sociale și rețelele de publicitate pe alte site-uri web.
Folosim 8 categorii de cookie-uri pe site-ul nostru web:
Cookie-uri tehnice
Acestea sunt strict necesare pentru funcționarea site-ului web și pentru funcțiile pe care alegeți să le utilizați. Fără ele, site-ul nostru web nu ar funcționa; nu v-ați putea conecta la contul dumneavoastră de utilizator, de exemplu.
Cookie-uri de funcționalitate
Aceste module cookie ne permit să ne amintim alegerile dumneavoastră de bază și să îmbunătățim experiența utilizatorului. Printre acestea se numără amintirea limbii preferate sau să vă permită să rămâneți conectat permanent.
Cookie-uri pentru rețelele sociale
Aceste cookie-uri ne permit să vă conectăm cu ușurință la profilul dumneavoastră de rețele sociale și, de exemplu, vă permit să partajați produse și servicii cu prietenii și familia dumneavoastră
Personalizarea conținutului
Aceste cookie-uri ne permit să vă arătăm conținut și reclame în funcție de informațiile pe care le avem despre dumneavoastră pentru a vă satisface cel mai bine nevoile. Aceasta include conținutul pe care l-ați vizualizat sau pe ce dispozitiv accesați site-ul nostru.
Publicitate nepersonalizata
Aceste cookie-uri ne permit să vă arătăm reclame generale pentru produse și servicii.
Publicitate personalizată
Datorită acestor cookie-uri, noi și partenerii noștri vă putem oferi produse și servicii relevante în funcție de achizițiile dumneavoastră, comportamentul dumneavoastră de cumpărare și preferințele dumneavoastră.
Valori de audiență
Aceste cookie-uri ne permit să optimizăm site-ul nostru pentru confortul dumneavoastră, în funcție de modul în care îl utilizați. Scopul este să vă amintiți sau să vă anticipați alegerile. Aceasta include, de exemplu, utilizarea caracteristicilor, locația acestora sau comportamentul pe pagină.
Cookie-uri de la terți
Acestea sunt cookie-uri terță parte și puteți afla mai multe despre ele și despre partenerii noștri aici.
Prin acordul dumneavoastră pentru prelucrarea cookie-urilor, cookie-urile de funcționalitate și analitice vor fi instalate pe dispozitivul pe care îl utilizați pentru a naviga pe site (faceți clic pe butonul „Am înțeles” pentru ambele categorii, sau puteți selecta doar una dintre categorii făcând clic pe pe butonul „Setări”). Instalăm întotdeauna cookie-uri tehnice pe dispozitivul dumneavoastră, chiar și fără consimțământul dumneavoastră explicit, deoarece fără ele site-ul nostru pur și simplu nu ar funcționa.
Vă puteți revoca consimțământul pentru prelucrarea cookie-urilor. În legătură cu prelucrarea cookie-urilor de către compania noastră, aveți și următoarele drepturi: dreptul de a accesa cookie-urile, de a le șterge, modifica, completa și corecta, de a restricționa prelucrarea și dreptul de a depune o plângere la Oficiul pentru Protecția Datelor cu Caracter Personal. Citiți mai multe despre drepturile dumneavoastră.
Pentru informații și mai detaliate despre modul în care procesăm cookie-urile, vă rugăm să consultați Politica noastră de protecție a datelor cu caracter personal.
Nume | Descriere | Lifetime |
CART | The association with your shopping cart. | 1 An |
CATEGORY_INFO | Allows pages to be displayed more quickly. | 1 An |
COMPARE | The items that you have in the Compare Products list. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER | An encrypted version of your customer id. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER_AUTH | An indicator if you are signed into the store. | 1 An |
CUSTOMER_INFO | An encrypted version of the customer group you belong to. | 1 An |
PHPSESSID | To store the logged in user's username and a 128bit encrypted key.This information is required to allow a user to stay logged in to a web sitewithout needing to submit their username and password for each page visited. Without this cookie, a user is unabled to proceed to areas of the web site that require authenticated access. | 3 Minutes |
private_content_version | Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server. | 5 Minutes |
persistent_shopping_cart | Stores the key (ID) of persistent cart to make it possible to restore the cart for an anonymous shopper. | 20 Minutes |
form_key | A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). | 6 Minutes |
store | Tracks the specific store view / locale selected by the shopper. | 40 Minutes |
login_redirect | Preserves the destination page the customer was navigating to before being directed to log in. | 5 Minutes |
mage-messages | Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages, The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper. | 1 Minut |
mage-cache-storage | Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables e-commerce functions. | 20 Minutes |
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation | Forces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated. | 12 Minutes |
mage-cache-sessid | The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage. | 1 Oră |
product_data_storage | Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed / Compared Products. | 1 Oră |
user_allowed_save_cookie | Indicates if the shopper allows cookies to be saved. | 46 Minutes |
mage-translation-storage | Stores translated content when requested by the shopper. | 1 Oră |
mage-translation-file-version | Stores the file version of translated content. | 7 Minutes |
section_data_ids | Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions such as display wish list, checkout information, etc. | 43 Minutes |
_gat | Used to throttle request rate. | 1 Oră |
LaSID | visitor session identifier validity: when the browsing session ends | 30 Minutes |
LaVisitorId_* | this identifier is used to recognize the visitor on each visit of your pages where the widget integration code is added validity: set by administrator in Configuration > Security > Visitor cookie lifetime. The default value is 30 days. The value of 0 means the visitor is remembered only for the current session (when the browsing session ends) | 30 Minutes |
LaVisitorNew | information if this is a new or returning visitor, automatic invitations may display depending on this attribute validity: one day | 1 Zi |
LaReset | if setting Remember visitor in Configuration > Secuity > Settings was used and the visitor wants to be forgotten after the form has been sent validity: when the browsing session ends | 30 Minutes |
LaRunningChat_* | parameters to reload the chat window if the page is refreshed or visitor navigates their browser to another page validity: when the browsing session ends | 30 Minutes |
LaUserDetails | stores user details information defined by the administrator in integration code validity: when the browsing session ends | 30 Minutes |
closedInvitations | list of invitations that the visitor dismissed, the invitations will not be displayed while the cookie is valid validity: when the browsing session ends | 30 Minutes |
Nume | Descriere | Lifetime |
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS | Stores your Customer Segment ID | 1 An |
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE | A flag that, indicates whether caching is on or off. | 1 An |
FRONTEND | Your session ID on the server. | 1 An |
GUEST-VIEW | Allows guests to edit their orders. | 1 An |
LAST_CATEGORY | The last category you visited. | 1 An |
LAST_PRODUCT | The last product you looked at. | 1 An |
NEWMESSAGE | Indicates whether a new message has been received. | 1 An |
NO_CACHE | Indicates whether it is allowed to use cache. | 1 An |
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART | A link to information about your cart and viewing history if you have asked the site. | 1 An |
_clck | Persists the Clarity User ID and preferences, unique to that site, on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. | 1 Zi |
_clsk | Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording. | 1 Zi |
CLID | Identifies the first-time Clarity saw this user on any site using Clarity. | 1 Zi |
ANONCHK | Indicates whether MUID is transferred to ANID, a cookie used for advertising. Clarity doesn't use ANID and so this is always set to 0. | 1 Zi |
MR | Indicates whether to refresh MUID. | 1 Zi |
MUID | Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. | 1 Zi |
SM | Used in synchronizing the MUID across Microsoft domains. | 1 Zi |
_hjSessionUser_{site_id} | Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID. 365 days duration. JSON data type. | 1 An |
_hjid | Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID which is unique to that site. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID. 365 days duration. UUID data type. | 1 An |
_hjFirstSeen | Identifies a new user’s first session. Used by Recording filters to identify new user sessions. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 An |
_hjUserAttributesHash | User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API are cached for the duration of the session. Enables us to know when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated. Session duration. Hash data type. | 1 An |
_hjCachedUserAttributes | Stores User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API, whenever the user is not in the sample. Collected attributes will only be saved to Hotjar servers if the user interacts with a Hotjar Feedback tool. Cookie used regardless of whether a Feedback tool is present. Session duration. JSON data type. | 1 An |
_hjViewportId | Stores user viewport details such as size and dimensions. Session duration. UUID data type. | 1 An |
_hjSession_{site_id} | Holds current session data. Ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session. 30 minutes duration. JSON data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjSessionTooLarge | Causes Hotjar to stop collecting data if a session becomes too large. Determined automatically by a signal from the WebSocket server if the session size exceeds the limit. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjSessionRejected | If present, set to '1' for the duration of a user's session, when Hotjar has rejected the session from connecting to our WebSocket due to server overload. Applied in extremely rare situations to prevent severe performance issues. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjSessionResumed | Set when a session/recording is reconnected to Hotjar servers after a break in connection. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjLocalStorageTest | Checks if the Hotjar Tracking Code can use local storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set. Data stored in_hjLocalStorageTest has no expiration time, but it is deleted almost immediately after it is created. Under 100ms duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample | Set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit. 30 minutes duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjIncludedInSessionSample | Set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit. 30 minutes duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress | Used to detect the first pageview session of a user. 30 minutes duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjTLDTest | We try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. Enables us to try to determine the most generic cookie path to use, instead of page hostname. It means that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). After this check, the cookie is removed. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjRecordingEnabled | Set when a Recording starts. Read when the Recording module is initialized to see if the user is already in a recording in a particular session. Session duration. Boolean true/false data type. | 1 Zi |
_hjRecordingLastActivity | Set in Session storage as opposed to cookies. Updated when a user recording starts and when data is sent through the WebSocket (the user performs an action that Hotjar records). Session duration. Numerical Value (Timestamp) data type. | 1 Zi |
Facebook is a social network used for communication between users, maintaining relationships and entertainment. It allows you to share products and other pages. We allow logging in to your account through this network. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi | |
Facebook Ads | A platform for Facebook advertising, retargeting, conversion tracking. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Facebook Login | A platform for logging in through the Facebook platform. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Facebook Social Sharing | A platform to share product and other content on the Facebook platform. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Google Ads | A platform for search advertising, banner advertising, YouTube advertising, retargeting, conversion tracking. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Google Analytics | An analytics and marketing tool for detecting user behaviour on a website in order to design better layouts, functionality and other site improvements, user profiling and personalised ad targeting. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Google Display & Video 360 | A platform for banner advertising, retargeting, conversion tracking. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Google Optimize | A tool for AB web design testing. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Google Pay | A platform for paying with Google Pay. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Hotjar | An analytics tool for detecting user behaviour on a page in order to design better layouts, functionalities and further improve the website. Privacy Policy: | 1 Zi |
Analitice Google
Nume | Descriere | Lifetime |
RECENTLYCOMPARED | The items you recently compared. | 1 An |
STF | Information on products you emailed to friends. | 1 An |
STORE | The store view or language you have selected. | 1 An |
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE | Indicates whether a customer authorized cookies. | 1 An |
VIEWED_PRODUCT_IDS | The products that you recently looked at. | 1 An |
WISHLIST | An encrypted list of products added to your wish list. | 1 An |
WISHLIST_CNT | The number of items in your wish list. | 1 An |
_ga | Used to distinguish users. | 2 Hours |
_gid | Used to distinguish users. | 2 Hours |
Google Consent